Monday, March 23, 2009

hubby ku...hmm

xtau la nk mrh ke nk suke da 2 ari sharul kcau ak tdo..kol 12 je bru start nk msg ak..klau xbls, t merajuk lak mamat 2..hmm..anyway..ak happy sgt bile die ckp windu kt ak...jarang die confess bnda2 cmtu..i hope he really mean it..ak syg sgt1000x kt dier...bile la die nk dtg cni..windu da nk kuar dating cam dlu..die kte tggu jela..die ad hal sket kat melaka..ak da windu sgt2 nie..jeles tgk owg len dating..hmm..xpela..die suh tggu..tggu best la smlm..die kte die btol2 windu kt ak..nk ak blk melaka..tgkla cmne...


hmm...skrg ni ujan..trpakse dok kt library..xtau la bile ujan nk berenti...arini ak berazam nk beli payung..hehe...sbnrnye da byk kali da nk ble..sek lpe jer..bosannye kt library nie..klau cam kt main cam best la sket..lapa lar...hmm...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


smlm,kitorg wat party fo che nad...hehe..sblm 2 sume pakat xnk wish die lgsg...dr kol 12 smpai mlm 2 kitorg lm wish pn..pstu mse die kua,kitorg siap2kn brg...siap wat umah 2 gelap pstu pintu xkunci..konon2nye ad pencuri msuk...die da tkut glr...then...suprise!!!!!!...die trkejut gler smpai nangis...hehehehe....pas mkn kitorg clubbing lak smlm..hehe...pnt gler menari...lg2 pas mkn...kol 1 bru mmg best dpt menari smlm..lme da xmenari...trigt time jht dlu..hehe...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


hehe..smlm dpt mkn kfc...lme da xdpt mkn ayam sbb sakit mate....windu gler kat ayam...huhu....arini nk g umah kawin abg shahrul ngn akak die...seram ar nk g...ptt smlm g tlg mama ngn ayah xbg pegi..diorg ckp lm ad ikatan kne jage sket..kne jual mahal...hmm,tahla..ikut jela ckp dorang...maybe ad sbb la kan...kla,nk g siap2..nk jmpe bakal mak mentue..hehe...bubbye...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

nk balik...

hai..lme da xpost pape..arini nk balik melake..mate da ok sket..just kabur2 je..hmm,bile la nk baik...sbnarnye ayah xbg balik..die ckp ak kne focus kt study sbb da byk ak kne balik gak..nk jmpe mama...nk g umah kawin abg ngn akak sharul...mak die da poesan suh dtg dh...kne la dtg kan..kan..kan...kla,ngntk la..bru pas mam ubat xnk tdo dlu..nk tdo dlm bas t...dlm bas bowing gler...2 jam duduk je...cmne la perasaan owg yg blk utara ngn pantai timur..msti nk gler da tggu smpai 8 jam 9 jam dlm bas kan...kla,da mls nk tulis pape ag..hehe...daaa....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

sakit mate...

sakit mate yg xde kesudahan..
bosanyyeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............dh bpe ari dh sakit mate nie...bile tgk kt cermin,huduh gler muke normal la sakit mate muke huduh abg nk tgk,tp ak xbg..malu lar..t tkut die kutuk lak...hehe..
erm..ak rse bile sakit mate ni,ak jdk makin abg xnk bwk g klinik...die xckp xnk bwk,tp die cam bwat2 lupe nk g klinik...2 yg wat ak mrh + frust...bile die da anta smpai dpn umah...ak still wat muke toye...die tnye la,ape lagi..ak trus je mrh die...cian gak kt die..pstu tetibe ak ternangis lak...die tnye npe mate yg xsakit 2 kua air..die tau ak nangis...geramnye...die gelakkan ak..maybe sbb ak ckp mate yg xsakit 2 pn jdk sakit sbb, ad ke patut die gelak ak die mtk maaf...die kte xrelevan ak nangis sbb esk brula die bwk g jumpe doktor...but still, ak nk sedih gak...emmm.

Monday, March 2, 2009


oh no..2morrow might be my turn 2 give 2 do eye still not recover yet..if i want to make it 2morrow, i need 2 wear glasses lah...hehe..miss afni will be surprise 2 see me like dat...hehehe..but, what else can i do..if i'm not doin it 2morrow, maybe i have to do it with other would be more terrifying..i hope evrything is going 2 be fine..
ermm...i just return from da clinic with my boo..i really pity him...his boss didnt give him his salary...he was so angry and stress but he still came here to take me to da clinic..i really love u honey...tq for everthing....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

my eye...

waaaa....sakitnye mate...mama,i need u...i miss my mom...huhu..i got another probs 2..supposedly,i already work for a company..its only part time job..but,i didnt get any news from them..obviously, i was tricked by dat damn fool company...aahhhh...but, i will do something about it...they took my money,so wait for my summon's letter..hahahaha....(evil laugh)

my boo..

i think i made a boy has changed but i always blame him for his silly mistakes..he actually became more sensitive 2 my feelings n tried his best 2 change his bad attitude..i really felt guilty coz i'm always talking about his little really sorry honey..i figured all these last night..last night,he was so romantic and gentleman..he treated me like a queen and gave me da most wonderful date dat night..he always holding my hands and kiss it gently...he listened 2 me patiently while i babbling about my problems..he kept looking deeply into my eyes until i had 2 ask him 2 stop staring at me..i dont know whats in his mind at dat time...i really love him wit all my heart and i hope da same thing frm him too..hope our love will never last..

what a day..

today,i went 2 kl 2 visit my uncle,who is my father's younger brother..he got appendics problem n need 2 get, my family pick me dat time, my sister got 'sakit mate', which her eyes turn 2 red n bengkak..all da time, she wore her sunglasses..i really pity her coz she cannot attend her driving training for a week..but, a few hours later, my left eye began 2 feel itchy but it doesnt turn 2 red..but,i can see something diff at my left eye..its kinda look a little bit 'bengkak'..da thing is i need 2 make a speech this tuesday,and if my eyes started to turn red ,i'm afraid i had to wear sunglasses 2..but, my marks will be deducted coz i dont have an eye contact wit audiences..hehe..but,what da hell..i still have to do da speech..
after we visit 'pokde', we went 2 selayang to visit my aunt..she was just moving into her new apartment which was very expensive n exclusive..she designed da house by herself ...i really envy her coz her house is so beautiful n got style..she herself is an interior designer..dats why her house is so beautifully designed..i happened 2 dream in becoming an interior designer,but i got no talent so it will remain as dreams that will never come family sent me back at about 7pm..its really tiring n my left eye also continued 2 get more 'bengkak'..i hope it will recover soon..hmm..

Saturday, February 28, 2009


for me,2day might be da most boring day ever..supposedly,my boy will take me 2 watch movies..but he seems 2 die 2day(not really mean it)..i tried 2 call him for 1000 times..i guess he's still so pissed off!!!! can u can he refuse 2 answer my call n let me wait fr him for da whole day..but..i kinda felt sorry for can i still love him although he done so much pain to me..sometimes, i think love sucks..oh god,plz help me..i hope i can survive wit such guy like him..

Friday, February 27, 2009

my blog.. last i have my own blog..huhu..i never thought i would have one coz for me, i prefer 2 have a diary but since my housemate, fari,vel n qiqi persuade me 2 make my own blog, i think its cool 2 have one..tq guys..ermm, rite now, im still not into sharing anything yet..but,dont worry..i will try my best 2 update my blog(guess it will take days or even weeks..hehe)